Paint Station (Big Bottle)
€19.95 (VAT incl.)
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Table for painting consists of a stands measuring 40 cm x 30 cm x 6 cm, has two rows to put paint. A dozen holes to the brushes, nail files, knives, glue, etc, two water cup holders. Extended tabletop will prevent dirt the place where you paint.
Version (36mm - big) fit to following paints and many others with similar diameter:
Vallejo - 30 ml / 35 ml
AK Interactive - 35 ml /30ml
AMMO - 35ml
Games Workshop/Citadel - 12 ml
Life Colour - 22 ml
Formula P3 - 18 ml
Mr. Hobby Gunze - 10 ml
Tamiya Mini - 10 ml
Model Car World - 1oz bottles
Testor ModelMaster - .5oz bottles
Vallejo Primer - 60ml bottles
Revell (enamel) - 14 ml
Italeri - 20ml bottles