Exit: El Laberinto Maldito
The manufacturer has sold out the product and has announced that it will produce more units in the future.
Reprinted items do not have a specific release date, they depend on the manufacturer's production. We cannot give you a date because it escapes our control.
If you buy an item in a reprinted state, unless we have some stock left, you should know that the delivery can take a long time, so your order could be delayed indefinitely. If you are going to order more items we recommend that you buy them in separate orders, so that the product in reprint does not delay the arrival of the other products.
These items usually have short reprint runs, and the manufacturer can change in larger or lesser extent the characteristics of the product. If they change, of course we would let you know about it so you could decide what to do with your purchase.
Estilo - Mecánica | Deducción, Party Game, Cooperativo, |
Jugadores | 1-4 jugadores |
Edad | >10+ años |
Duración | 60-90 minutos |
Durante una visita a un castillo histórico, tu atención se desvía hacia un intrigante laberinto en medio del jardín. Unas imponentes murallas lo separan del mundo exterior y una extraña fuerza te invita a recorrerlo... Adéntrate en el laberinto atravesando con asombro la antigua puerta de hierro.
En ese momento el cielo se oscurece de repente y el viento empieza a arreciar. Con un fuerte estruendo, la antigua puerta de hierro se cierra de golpe detrás de ti. Intentas abrirla, pero está cerrada con llave. De repente, para tu terror, una gárgola trepa por la puerta hacia ti. Sólo si trabajáis juntos podréis resolver los rompecabezas y escapar del misterioso laberinto.