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Saxon Huscarls A


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18,45 € (impuestos inc.) 20,50 €
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From the Bronze Age to the Roman Empire, from the Spartans to Medieval Knights, Hail Caesar is a tabletop wargame with massed 28mm armies, set in the Ancients era.

The Dark Ages refers to the Middle Ages following the fall of Rome, typically 5th-11th Century AD. The term says more about what those that followed knew about it than the period itself; it was a rich and vibrant time in European history. And when we say vibrant, we mean there was a lot of fighting. The Vikings, Saxons and Normans were amongst those raiding, conquering and creating new kingdoms during this period.

Armed with spears, round and kite shields, the huscarls are usually the personal retinue of the king and are made up of venerable warriors and personal friends of the king.


8x Saxon Huscarls

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