BattleTech Battlemat Tundra and Grasslands -- Pre-pedido --
Que un producto sea prepedido significa que el fabricante ha anunciado su venta pero que aún no está disponible en tiendas, abriéndose un periodo de compra anticipada.
Roll out high-quality neoprene maps on your BattleTech gaming table!
Each map is 34" x 22", the perfect "two-map" size for most games. The maps are high-resolution with great color quality, making them some of the most beautiful and durable BattleTech maps ever produced. The neoprene is also thin for ease of storage, and double-sided for versatility.
This neoprene map details one half of a Tundra on one side, and Grasslands E on the reverse side.
The choice of battlefield is in your hands!