T-34/85 Scout Company (x4 Plastic) -- Pre-pedido --
Oferta especial limitada
32,40 € (impuestos inc.) 36,00 €
A lista de deseos
Que un producto sea prepedido significa que el fabricante ha anunciado su venta pero que aún no está disponible en tiendas, abriéndose un periodo de compra anticipada.
The T-34/85 built upon an already successful design with increased armour protection. A larger turret was also added to accomodate a third crew member and increase the size of gun from 76mm to the more powerful ZiS-S-53 85mm. These improvements gave Soviet forces a tank that was once again more armoured, mobile, and destructive than its contemporaries. This box contains...4x T-34/85 Tanks